Pandemic Tabletop Exercise: Testing Your Plans 3/27
NYDIS is offering a free 2-hour Pandemic Tabletop Exercise for congregations and faith-based organizations to test their continuity of operations plan. This exercise is specifically targeted towards congreations and organizations who already have an emergency action plan or continuity of operations plan in place, and would like to test in a pandemic scenario. Space is limited to 10 participants per exercise and the exercise will be held remotely via an online webinar platform.
In response to the recent public health emergency, NYDIS has mobilized to provide a series of workshops that build congregational capacity. NYDIS will be facilitating this pandemic table top exercise to operationalize your congregation’s COOP plan during a pandemic.
If your congregation or faith-based organization does not have an emergency plan or continuity of operations plan, and you have been tasked with creating these plans, please join us for this workshop.
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