
NYC has its first case of COVID-19. A women who recently traveled to Iran, and tested positive, is under quarantine and observation at home in Manhattan. There is no additional advice from health officials at this time, other than to

Stories of Recovery - Puerto Rico Evacuees

Israel had to leave his job in May 2018, when his wife began experiencing life-threatening pregnancy complications that resulted in frequent hospitalizations and bed rest. Without income, Israel returned to NYDIS on several occasions for maternity wear, summer clothes

Stories of Recovery - Puerto Rico Evacuees

Milagros B. is a U.S. Army veteran and single mother of four children, ages 9, 10, 11, and 13. Her family lost all their belongings when Maria hit their home on the eastern side of Puerto Rico and caused the

In July, NYDIS' Senior Caseworker, Boris, met with Ms. Cepeda in her home on Staten Island. Ms. Cepeda lived and worked in San Juan, Puerto Rico before Hurricane Maria devastated the island. The storm caused severe damage to Ms. Cepeda's

Puerto Rico OVAD Meeting in Playa (Anasco)

On August 16th, our executive director, Peter B. Gudaitis was in Playa (Añasco)where NYDIS, TeamPlaya Añasco, Proyecto Refugio por Barrio Playaand Municipio de Añasco co-hosting a wonderful meeting of Organizaciones Voluntarias Activas en Desastres - PR VOAD leaders from across the Island. Thanks to Team Playa for an awesome

Stories of Recovery – Superstorm Sandy

Betty, an 88-year-old woman, living with her husband in the Arverne section of Queens were both experiencing health issues. The couple’s home has been damaged by Superstorm Sandy so they had enrolled in the NYC Build it Back Program to

2019 National Puerto Rican Day Parade

Over 100 Supporters March Alongside NYDIS Float in 62nd Annual Puerto Rican Day Parade. NYDIS was honored to have its own float in the parade featuring the slogan Estamos Aquí – We are Here. The ‘we’ on Sunday took on

Stories of Recovery - 9/11

Lowell is a 70-year-old man who resides with his wife in Flushing, Queens. He worked for an advertising firm on the 12th floor of the Empire State Building when the attacks of 9/11 occurred. A veteran of the Vietnam War,